Knowledge – History: Advancements in Philosophy, Science and Technology

A short course in advancements in Philosophy, Science and Technology. A resurgence of interest in humanism, which valued education, individuality, and human potential. This characterized the Renaissance. This change in perspective was influenced by the rediscovery of ancient works, including those by Plato and Aristotle. Which had been largely disregarded during the Middle Ages. Humanists worked to understand and learn about their environment by experimentation and observation. Because they believed in the capacity of human reason.

The advancements in science, technology, and philosophy were astounding. People witnessed researchers making important discoveries in a range of fields. The topics addressed included astronomy, engineering, and anatomy. The tendency throughout this time was away from medieval scholasticism. It moved towards experimentation and practical observation. Modern scientific research is based on the scientific method. This was developed by René Descartes and Francis Bacon. Ideas were spread through innovations and advancements, like the printing press. The development of navigational tools. They transformed exploration, was essential to knowledge expansion and cultural transformation. The scientific and technical developments of the Renaissance paved the way for centuries of expansion.





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