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Knowledge – History: Renaissance Art and the Artists

A short course on Renaissance Art. The arts were significantly influenced by the humanistic movement as well. Paintings that were exclusively religious or abstract were less common throughout the Renaissance. Artists turned their attention to the person and the human experience. Their aim was to portray the intricacy and beauty of both the natural world and the human body. A change in subject matter and technique led to the production of some of the most famous and iconic pieces in history. Including Michelangelo’s “David” and Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.”

Ultimately, European civilization was profoundly and enduringly affected by the Renaissance. The period’s drive in intellectual renaissance and humanism forged this. It questioned the institutions and preexisting ideas of the day. It gave more weight to human potential and the value of education and information. People are still influenced and inspired by the ideals and concepts of the Renaissance. Which serve as a constant reminder of the significance of curiosity, critical thinking, and the quest for knowledge.





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