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Knowledge – History: The Renaissance, a Cultural and Intellectual Revolution

A short course on the Renaissance Period. The word Renaissance signifies “rebirth” in French. The Renaissance was a time of cultural and intellectual development. This happened during the 14th and 17th centuries in Europe. It was a time of unprecedented growth and invention. The Renaissance was a transitional period from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. Awareness of the reasons that contributed to the Renaissance period gives an understanding of its historical context.
The fall of feudalism and the growth of city-states provided an important backdrop for the Renaissance. As Europe recovered from the Black Death’s destruction, urban centers grew in significance. The wealth and significance of city-states like as Florence and Venice rose. Patronage to the arts and sciences was critical to the Renaissance’s success. These city-states’ economic growth resulted in the formation of a middle class. This contributed to the development of a new humanistic perspective. This stressed individual success and secular knowledge.





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